Our Favorite Village Chabad Moments


We’re always documenting special moments with The Village Chabad family. Scroll through our photo galleries to relive your favorite programs, events, day-to-day happenings and more.


Grand Chanukah Festival 2022

The Village Chabad gathered with close to 250 Portola Valley and Woodside residents to mark the first night of the beautiful holiday of Chanukah!

The excitement was felt in the air as the kids joined together to build the giant LEGO Menorah one brick at a time until it was over 10ft tall! The message of Chanukah is bringing light and warmth into the world we live in.
What better way to display that message than with a giant LEGO Menorah!
Donuts, latkes, music, crafts & more fun! A great time was truly had by all!!

Sushi in the Sukkah

We turned our backyard into a sensational sushi bash in honor of Sukkot! With our very own in-house Koma Sushi chef and an all you can eat sushi buffet, the party was a winner! We all celebrated Sukkot by doing the Lulav and Etrog shake, enjoying Sukkot arts n’ crafts, uber imaginative balloon creations, an ice cream station and some classic Jewish tunes! Check out the photos below to relive some of the fun!

Fire on Ice Chanukah Festival

The first ever Chanukah festival in Portola Valley & Woodside was a booming success! With over 200 residents joining the festivities, the vibe was exploding with holiday excitement and cheer. From decorating your own donut, to hot latkes and applesauce everyone from young to old had a big smile on their face! One of the highlights was having the incredible Woodside Fire Protection drop the chocolate Gelt from atop their truck for the kids to catch! Arts n’ crafts, face painting, music and Chanukah inspiration kept the community bustling and really brought on the Chanukah spirit! And lastly but definitely not least, the giant Ice Menorah was a hit! Shining it’s bright lights through the Portola Valley Town Center while the community sang the moving holiday blessings, is a memory that will last in our minds for a very long time!